(PRICE CHECK) Manchildie head

Discussion in 'Price Inquiries' started by AsternFlyer624, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. So this has been on my mind for a while, some time back I killed Manchildie at a staff pvp event (pure luck btw) and i no longer know what this head is worth. At this time i have been told just about everything from 10k to 70k and felt like this would be the best way to check this for sure.

    (P.S. may be willing to sell this head depending on how much it's worth)
  2. IDK since I have not seen one for sale nor have I seen one through auction as of late... It's up to the you to set a price and see if someones willing to pay it. "An item is only as valuable as it's last market value" or "An item is only as valuable as someones willing to spend on it."