[Price Check] ICC Eggnog + how many exist?

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by cowland123, Jan 25, 2015.


How much do you believe an ICC eggnog is worth :)

500k - 7 vote(s) 12.5%
650k 0 vote(s) 0.0%
750k 1 vote(s) 1.8%
850k 6 vote(s) 10.7%
1 million 10 vote(s) 17.9%
1.1 million 5 vote(s) 8.9%
1.2 million + 27 vote(s) 48.2%
  1. i own one
    cowland123 likes this.
  2. I have one
    cowland123 likes this.
  3. I own one in my dreams
    cowland123 likes this.
  4. they are at 3 million now and i have one
    cowland123 likes this.
  5. Okay thanks, I set that poll up a long while back.