price Check: eff v silk unb 3 diamond pick

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by MmarkM, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. Wondering what a Silk touch unbreaking 3 efficiency 5 diamond pick is worth. It is named Silk.
  2. 3500 is the high end of the range.

    3k is an average market price, but sale volume seems low right now because of supply flood.
  3. Add another 500r, because Silk is such a lovely name :p
  4. I sold one on auction for 7k a while back
  5. Yeah, its not even close to 7k right now. I think jp is prettty close. You might be able to haggle one for 3k but you aren't likely going to pay more than 4. I have about two DCS of them right now. Invest while they are low lol. Never know how 1.9 will affect the market