Possible Bug (Shop Signs At 405 Broken)

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by azoundria, Jan 18, 2017.

  1. The shop signs at /v 405 (AlexChance/ACInc) shop on SMP1 have no username associated.

    I was just wondering if that was some sort of bug?

    The shop was working previously and the signs appear to look fine except the usernames are missing.

    Clicking on the signs does nothing.
  2. If the residence had an owner change all shop signs look like that.
  3. Is that what happened in this case then?

    If this is done on purpose, could the shop user be set to something like 'Res Transfer'? Maybe if you clicked on a shop sign it would tell you what happened.
  4. I recently sold this res so the shop signs simply became static text :) Wiping them completely may be a good idea, the logistics of them doing that I am unclear on however
  5. I think if someone buys a shop they may still want to keep the same pricing or at least know what it was. I imagine whoever bought 405 will set it up as a mall again, so the pricing would be helpful to them.

    The issue comes for other players who don't know what happened. I understand this is how the system is intended to work, so it's not a bug, however it still looks like a bug and is confusing and I imagine it will confuse other players as well.