{Poll} Should I change my Iron price at 12845?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by finch_rocks_1, Mar 25, 2017.


Iron Price Per Ingot?

2r 2 vote(s) 16.7%
1.5r 3 vote(s) 25.0%
1r 6 vote(s) 50.0%
Other (Please Comment) 1 vote(s) 8.3%

  1. Hey EMC,

    This is a Poll, as I am looking at the Iron Prices and Seems like I might have to change the prices.

    Right now the price is 2r per Ingot, Had it that price for over 2 years, but seems sales are slow, and not many are buying, and auctions are lower also...

    So Fill out the poll and/or leave a comment with more info or another price...

    Link to build/shop;
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. Cheaper is always better, but do you have any strong competition? It could be just that the need for iron is down over all. If you want to get rid of your iron I would do auctions like MocoMiner and see how that works.
    AhsokaTower likes this.
  3. Well the point of the iron shop is to have it below market value, and have a daily limit per player, to stop bulk buying. Then there is the part where its ment to be able to be bought for those who are unable to buy from a mall for say rails, or what ever they need, (Thats why i also have a no resale allowed).

    I dont want to do auctions as I just dont have time, and then that res is ment to be a Iron and Gold shop. The Gold is however being used on another build at the moment so its iron.

    I sold the iron for 2r per when the market value was 4-8r per...

    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. Personally I don't buy iron. I may place bids at auction for it. However I find it to easy to collect myself to warrant an immediate need to purchase. So I'd say sell it cheap... You say you were selling for 2r. So sell for 100r a stack just under 2r but also over 1r.