[Poll] rebuild mall or keep it how it is

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ZanDarkin2, Nov 3, 2017.


Should i rebuild my mall

Poll closed Nov 16, 2017.
Rebuild 5 vote(s) 55.6%
Keep the same 4 vote(s) 44.4%
  1. today i have a question i was wonding if i should sell all my stuff in my mall and rebuild it but i want to know everyone poll

    the mall for this is cowmart thats why i need help desiding
  2. is it cow mart?
  3. is it cow mart?
    smooshed_potato likes this.
  4. its a cowmart u can check it out at smp4 /v 9111 or /v +cowmart
    FadedMartian likes this.
  5. May I make a suggestion. Post some pictures for those to see while they make an opinion to help you decide. Also would be cool to have pics if people are far out in the /wild on 4 and can't come back into town.
  6. Kk i take some when i get on today
  7. Keep it.. I am too lazy to help you on the new one but you gonna force me..
    ZanDarkin2 likes this.
  8. Noooo I like cowmart
  9. Keep it. I like it.