[POLL] Outpost Questions

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Kryarias, Jul 6, 2018.


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  1. Hi so I want to make a private outpost where we build large auto farms like iron, skele and others. But here is the problem. I want to do it with people that are very skilled. I would need at least 1 builder to make everything look pretty and a few other people to help me make the actual farms. And I would also like a person good at Redstone so in order to enter the nether rail to the outpost you have to put a code in. Also please reply down below with what SMP it should be on.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. I was thinking it could be on a mushroom biome. And there would be trails/rails to the farms out of that biome.
  3. I won't be joining the outpost simply because I don't have time for that but we might be able to work something out about the redstone and protection part.

    Not sure about a code though but I would recommend a piston door powered by a redstone torch. So... Place a redstone torch "somewhere" and the door to the kingdom opens, ready for players to step through.

    Food for thought?

    I'd be happy to build one but please keep some very important things in mind: I cannot make any promises on timing. During the week I hardly play at all right now (some notable exceptions) and in the weekend when I can play I'm sometimes also "selfish" and do the stuff I want to do.

    But I'd honestly be more than happy to help you out with this. 50/50 on materials? :)
    purplebook163 likes this.
  4. Ok so this sounds great but I have a few questions, do I have to make the rails and the tunnel around it all buildmode so nobody can dig in?
  5. That can help, but it's honestly up to you. In my opinion the "danger zone" is close to the outpost and anything beyond that... just that.

    I never bothered with fully protecting my rails and I know of a few others who didn't as well. One of who'm I stumbled upon by accident because I opened up his rail (also fully repaired everything!).

    This is just my 2 cents but if you're 2k+ blocks out most of the players you'll (indirectly) meet won't have bad intentions in mind but they'll understand and recognize the whole thing. Maybe even help you.

    But... there really isn't a rule here. I also know of outposts who did just that: rebuild the entire tunnel and entire wall. I can only shudder at thinking of how much time and effort that must have cost :)
    purplebook163 likes this.
  6. I don't have time, but if I get more details on the outpost, I may have enough and I can build for you!
  7. Anyone wanna help me find a mushroom biome on SMP2? Just tried and flyed for an hour, found nothing.
  8. Thread close per OP's request
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