Parrots 9k

Discussion in 'Selling' started by MrCDub, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. SMP8
    Parrots 9k
    Sachrock and ShelLuser like this.
  2. This is what I love so much about your average SMP8 shop (not saying you're average Dub, but ... you know): you guys obviously try to make a nice profit (who wouldn't?!) but you're also not trying to take all our money away but keep it reasonable. And I love that!

    I'll be buying a few in a moment (for Aya, some friends, and myself) as soon as I got used to the new Minecraft ;)

    (I need to re-learn how to play the game I think, that's what the new tutorial part is for after all.... wsaf are used for walking right? :D)
    BenMA likes this.