Outpost Identification Warning

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by IM4, Oct 21, 2022.


    Maybe this could be coded so that when a player enters near an outpost a message pops up to warn them that they are in an Outpost area which is restricted for building or altering of any kind.
    < Server logging of course>
    Upmostlocket106 likes this.
  2. Not sure what you are suggesting here…
    there’s already a welcome/exit message 100? Blocks around frontier outpost spawns.

    if you are referring to a player build area/outpost claim far inside the frontier, it would possibly be included in with Outpost update in the future, which I would assume would indeed have entry/exit messages as other residences in EMC, but doubt that will happen anytime soon.

    I would just suggest laying out Welcome structures/roads bordering your build area- it should be obvious to not build near you; you can also add signs if you are worried about that issue. [Message] signs could also help you.
  3. My question is why does the link at the top go to my completely unrelated suggestion? :p
  4. I believe that the player-owned outposts currently don't exist, so to speak. They are represented solely by a locked chest and a forum thread. When someone requests another, staff manually (well, not really, they use a command, I assume) the area for other locked chests. This would make your suggestion involved to implement. The forecast feature of Empires should make this possible, I think.
    Edit: This suggests that indeed, player-owned outposts are not represented in-game.