Off with his Head!

Discussion in 'Buying' started by Alaenia, Dec 21, 2016.

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  1. Hello!

    I am Alaenia and reside on SMP8 and I am looking for heads to occupy my wall. Space is limited to 12 individuals. Bidding starts at 1000R.

    So if you want to be a part of Alaenia's Most Wanted, or have someone in mind for Most Wanted and have a head that is yours or the someone in question that you no longer want, and a 'crime' they've committed, post below!

    The top 12 bids will appear on my wall, if they have a head for this. Literally and figuratively.

    Payment must be accepted with Head. And it will be mounted promptly. The amount of your 'reward' will be the amount of the Bid to put the head up there.

    I will be checking back on this post frequently. Please PM me with questions, comments, swearwords, etc.

    Auction ends the 2nd of January 12AM Server Time (which I believe is Eastern Standard Time).
    Duckne likes this.
  2. *NOTE:

    This includes, Her heads, Non Gender-Nonspecific Heads, any head so long as it is a PLAYERS head.

    Mobs Are not included in this. <3
    Duckne likes this.
  3. invalid auction ? and wrong section this is a invalid thread in the current section and can result in a market place ban if repeatedly offended

    Edit after reading auction guidelines i can confirm that this is a invalid auction.
  4. Oh, I tried to find a guideline and the search backs returned no results. Sorry.

    Disregard then.
    Duckne likes this.
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