New Year Renews and Firework Show

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DorianPavus_, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. Happy New Year!!

    What do you want to do better of and/or want to begin to do in the new year 2016??!! Go ahead and tell EMC!

    There Will be a Late 2016 FireWork show on Janurary 9th at 12:00pm ( noon ) at /v Pixel_Cat23-3

    Plz Donate Fireworks for the show and cyan and pink dyed wool!

    There will be 1 hidden Empire Minecraft 2015 Firework ( which is a promo ) to find during or after the FireWork Show. Plz take note there will be no cheating of looking for it before the show starts, for player move will be off.