New Outpost on SMP9

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by sublimechillin, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. Hey all, just started a new outpost on SMP9. Been there for about 2 weeks and getting things roughed out, and other things into finished condition. Built atop a large hill, it overlooks a snowy plain to the north and rolling hills to the south. The Hill that the outpost sits atop is ready for buildings, and there is a completely enclosed path leading up the hill from the Nothern entry tower. The southern side of the hill has a ladder tower with a entry path. A town to the south is already being constructed, and more building will go up soon. A larger farming area will be added to the southern town area. The location is central to varying biomes. Resource rich with farms established for potatoes, carrots, wheat, and sugar cane, as well as pens with pigs, cows, chickens, and sheep. There are also several horses already. Villagers are no populating the hill fort and have several good trading deals. A cobble generator has been built as well, lots of room for expansion, and the area is already mostly secured from the constant barrage of creepers that accompany a new outpost's construction. This is a chance to establish a community who enjoy the challenges of surviving the wild and exploring new parts of the world! To get an idea of the size of the outpost already just take a look at the coords on the live map for SMP 9. Message me for more info! Head on out and join me! With each person who joins the work we can get done will multiply exponentially!

    Here are some pics so far! Coords and arrival suggestions also below!

    phpgbBH9KPM.jpg phpU2gN6mPM.jpg phpYx3CdCPM.jpg php04vXjAPM.jpg php4UlihpPM.jpg phpC9GSTCPM.jpg phpnjhFwoPM.jpg phpSS0KWfPM.jpg
    Coords as Follows:
    x: 7500
    z: 6300

    Best approach from the east gate in wilderness. Head south, its a long journey, but should be well worth it. To approach from main wilderness spawn you only need to head south east.