new member

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by VortexFamiliar, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. Hey now. Im a new member, looking forward to joining this server, it seems like something right up my alley. The server I usually play on is always down it seems, I found this just poking around. Excellent idea with the currency. Im ready to start right away.
    Joshhsoj0 likes this.
  2. Welcome Vortex, this truly is one of the best servers out there. I hope to see you on!
  3. awesome. now to fight my way into the crowded server lol. thanks for the reply
  4. Welcome to the Empire!
  5. I have to say, after getting on the server, figuring out what to do, I have really been missing out on the true minecraft experience. 2 hours late to bed, getting up at 3:30am central and its midnite now, but dang did I have a blast.
  6. Welcome to the Empire VortexFamiliar! This place is much more wonderful than you have even begun to understand. The community is vast, and there are plenty of active, friendly, and informative players on the forums. I joined last Saturday and I have been enjoying myself thoroughly. :)
    See you around the forums and the server. :)
  7. Hello im a noob too i just joined today and i hope to see you all around!!!