New Member item giving

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by mayorprofessor, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Hello fellow EMC members. I, for the past couple of months, have given items to members right as they join the empire once they reach town. I think that it is an effort to help the new players get on their feet and get a head start to catch up to us members who have been playing for a while. I think that we, as a community, should do this as much as possible. Some items i've given to new players are:
    • seeds (all types)
    • stone (cobble or normal)
    • saplings (lots of a couple types)
    • other items such as new 1.5 items
    If you want to help with this, then just meet a new player once they finish the tutorial and enter town. Then give them items that you want them to have. I do not just give away stuff that I don't want anymore. It is quite the opposite. I give them items that I think they will need.
    Yamanqui likes this.