new company!!! retrobuilders inc.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by chrisisaboss91, Jul 30, 2012.


how good are you with redstone

very good 9 vote(s) 37.5%
good 5 vote(s) 20.8%
o.k. 5 vote(s) 20.8%
not good 1 vote(s) 4.2%
TERRIBLE 0 vote(s) 0.0%
im not in for the business i'm just trolling 4 vote(s) 16.7%
  1. I can TRY to help...
  2. not many members i think only 3....
  3. im alright with redstone i can make just about anything you need i wouldn't mind helping you out
  4. ok ill invite you to private convo.
  5. Do you guys build wheat farms?
  6. im assuming you mean automatic wheat farms and yes
  7. How much would a giant sugar cane farm cost that uses pistons and has one collection point with one lever to activate all pistons. Scale: 6Ox60
  8. How much would a 60x60 auto wheat farm cost but multi floors
  9. Mmmmmmmmm...... When this becomes a business I will have many auto large scale farms for u guys to do, wheat, surgar, melon, pumpkin, villager, coca bean, tree (where u Place the sap then bone meal and the wood goes to a area I think PT has one at one of his res), netherwart, obsidian, large stone gen. So get ready as I have the big bucks. If there is any other auto farms sOmeone tell me. :D
  10. i will start a new form soon for work
  11. yes
  12. would you be in for the buisness? if we have 1 more person ill post a new thread about work
  13. im creating a new thread to accept work
  14. we are still accepting job applications