My Second Chapter (A Night to Remember)

Discussion in 'Writers' Corner' started by Releias, Sep 28, 2017.


Should I post the next part of chapter 2?

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    I'm gonna try posting the chapters that I'm writing for a Novel that I've started.
    Hope y'all enjoy it :)
    (this is part 1 of chapter 2)

    A Night To Remember

    From the shadows of the starlit night, a small slenderine figure would slip forth, seeming to materialize from the blackness of the dark. Shoulder length silky black hair would slip over his face, framing a pair of deep luminescent jade green eyes. A small slender finger would slip over a set of lusciously light pink lips to have the tip bitten, a tiny little trickling of blood slipping down along the joints. A shadow would be standing behind him, just out of the light enough to barely see the outline. Slowly, the young man already in the light, would begin to walk forwards across the nearly abandoned street, a few cars parked along both of the sides of the road.
    It seemed that he was walking towards one place in particular; a rather shoddy looking house that looked as if it was falling apart. It looked rather creepy in the dark of the night, the creaks of the structure even more audible to his ears than they had been before. As he ascended the set of mock stone steps that led up to the front porch, his boot steps light and barely able to be heard as he approached the front door. A small hand would slip slender fingers into the front pocket of a pair of black khakis, selecting a dull golden key and bringing it out to slip it into the doorknob as he pushed the screen door open. The tumblers would fall and click into place as he turned the key, pulling it back out and putting it back into his pocket.
    As he now turned the doorknob, the door would creak open slowly. The sound would seem to rouse the figure that seemed to be lazing about upon the couch that was visible from the front door.
    A voice would then sound from the living room:

    "Where the hell have you been!?"

    The young man would cringe slightly at the sound of the voice, the luminescent jade green eyes closing tightly for a moment before the soft sounds of a deep breath being taken would bring his head back to face forwards, his eyes opening up and an entirely different look held within them.
    Slowly, he would take his first step within the front hall, his objective to get past the living room doorway. This would, however, fail; as a large imposing, phantasmal silhouette would invade the hall in front of him, striking a soul-wrenching dread into the boy. He did NOT want to face him...not now...not here.
    The man would speak again, his words slurred and his breath reeking of his favoritely selected liquor: a McCormick Vodka.
    "Ain'tscha gonna anshwer your old man?! I done ashked you a queshtion!"
    Apparently it had been saved for a while because it had a deeper smell than a fresh bottle would. The boy grimaced and backed away as the front door swung shut behind him, speaking softly, his tone holding a slightly melodic nature:

    "I-I..was out on a walk.."
    How he hated his Father, the smell alone making the man a pungent mess if that was the only thing that one were to look to. If one were to look beyond him they would see the multitude of bottles and cans, all reeking of some kind of alcohol or other. This was more likely than not, the most imperfect attempt at a parental being that a person could possibly be. Oh how he wished this man dead. The man would seem to sneer and scoff at him as he swayed forwards.
    "Bah! You're lying ta me boy!"
    He would take a step back slightly, wanting to avoid any more contact than necessary with him, the stench of alcohol alone was bad enough to make him want to puke. His Father would continue to sway forwards, taking a step towards him as he sneered to his Son.
    "Ya know how I hate liarsh boy."

    He would lift up his left arm out to him, his hand grazing his Sons right cheek a bit roughly as he took another staggering step forwards.
    He would give a soft hiss of disdain, pulling his head away as he retreated yet another step backwards, his back now pressed against the front door. This was starting to get a bit bad, and he needed to get to his room. He couldn't afford to get trapped here again, not with this idiot being completely drunk off his ass.
    "I-I was out f-for a walk."
    His Fathers expression would turn from a wickedly drunk sneer, to a look of dangerously boiling anger. His brows were furrowed to the point where the skin would probably tear if they scrunched any further and his teeth gritted as his lips formed that telltale snarl. His flushed cheeks gave the indication of just how intoxicated he really was. It was rather easy for his Son to see the outlines of the expression through the darkness, though with his vision it was much simpler to do so. Having a heightened sense of sight did come in handy for things like that.
    "You shtill gonna lie ta me!?"

    He would reach for his belt, unhooking it and pulling it from the belt loops of his old thick faded blue jeans. As he did so he lurched forwards, grabbing his Sons upper right arm and yanking him forwards as he caught himself before he fell.
    As his Father would grab hold of his arm, he would let out a loud frightened whimper, memories of past beatings bubbling up to the surface. He couldn't do this- not not now! He had to get out; get away...he had to run. He would try to push his Father away; attempting to wrench his upper arm out of his Fathers iron clad grip. But doing this only seemed to piss the old man off even more so.
    His Father would drag him into the living room, the belt slipping over the can and bottle littered floor, the carpet reeking slightly of the fermented beverage as the light from the TV sent a light blue tinge over the floor. He would shove him against the wall, raising the belt above his head before bringing it down to crack over his Son's shoulders. It was time for punishment; to let out the anger he had been holding in for him being late. Lying was no laughing matter to him right now and he wasn't about to excuse the boys actions.
    Terrified, he would let out a yelp as his Fathers belt caught him over the shoulders, bringing up his arms and hands to cover and protect his face and the back of his neck. Why couldn't he defend himself? Be so much stronger than he was? The belt would catch him again over his back, making him lurch forwards a step away from the wall and slightly off to the side. He could see his memories flashing before his closed jade green eyes, all the times he had taken the hits and all the times he had just accepted it.
    Suddenly, the words that had been spoken to him just hours ago slipped through his mind, along with the image of the man that had spoken them to him.
    'Not only do you get a second chance, but you get to make sure that things never go wrong for you or anyone else ever again.'
    That's right. Nothing was ever going to go wrong for him again. As this flashed through his mind, before his jade green eyes, his expression would change. The fear that had taken over his body, rendered him helpless and childlike, would disappear; being replaced by a dangerously calm look.
    As the belt would come down another time, aiming to catch him across the face, he would lift a hand up, catching hold of the article, the leather wrapping around his hand as he caught hold of it.
    "N-No more."
    He wasn't going to just lay back and take it anymore; no more one sided beat-downs from this old man anymore. He would slip his head from side to side, effectively cracking his neck in a rather unsettling manner, his short pink tongue slipping past his pale pink lips to lick along the line of them as his luminescent jade green eyes would fix upon his Father. He'd had enough of this bullshit.
    His Father would look stunned for a moment as he saw the boys actions. What the hell was he doing? This wasn't how his Son usually acted when he started beating him like this.
    "The hellsh your problem boy?" His speech still slurred as he swayed slightly as he took a step forwards.
    As his Father took a step forwards, he would grip onto the belt and, all at once, yank it backwards and, as his Father would now stumble forwards, he would slam his fist into his nose.
    As his fist hit directly upon his Father's nose, he would stumble backwards, tripping over the cans and bottles that were scattered along the floor and going down to lay between the couch and the coffee table.
    As his Father hit the ground, he would advance upon him, moving to stand over him, panting slightly though his expression remained calm. That had felt really REALLY good; to hit him back. His Father would start to get back to his feet, thrown off kilter by the sudden attack from his usually meek and mousey Son.
    "What the fuck ish wrong with you boy!?"
    As his Father stood, he would toss the belt back behind him, his jade green eyes narrowing slightly as he looked up into his Father's dark brown eyes. He would, all at once, suddenly lift both of his slender arms up and shove his Father back towards the bookcase that lined the other wall. It was his turn to dole out the punishment now- let loose the emotions he had been penning up for years on end. With each step forwards, he would shove his old man back further and further towards the bookcase.
    Each shove sent a wave of release through him, letting more and more of it out; all that pressed down emotion and feeling, all the anger and hurt and pain that he had been forced to experience time and time again. As his Fathers back hit the bookcase, he would swing at his him, cracking him across the jaw. But, as he would move to swing his other fist, his Father would catch hold of it, yanking it in a way that made his Son spin around to face away from him as he wrapped his arms around him, restraining him.
    "I don't know what the fuck ish wrong with you but shyou're gonna get it now."

    His Father would start to try and move them both away from the book case, but, as he attempted to do so, he would be met with his Sons elbow to his rib-cage; getting struck several times in a rapid succession as he let out an angry cry- breaking free of his Fathers hold and whirling back around to slam his fist across his Fathers face in a backhanded style.
    "FUCK YOU!"
    As he would strike his Father this way, the grip that his old man had upon his other fist would be released as the old man stumbled down to the ground. As his Father fell over, he would rear his right leg back and slam it into his Fathers stomach.
    "For all the times..."

    He would slam his right foot into his Father's side again.

    "That you kicked me..."

    Another kick, this timed aimed for his Father's legs.
    "That you hit me..."

    He would grab hold of the lamp that was upon the end table at the end of the couch and slam it down over his Father's back and side.

    "For all the times..."

    He would raise the lamp up again, the object missing the shade now as it tumbled to the floor behind him, and slam it back down upon his Fathers side and back.

    "That you beat me until I couldn't even get back up!"
    He threw the lamp against the far wall, the bulb shattering as some of the plaster broke; sending bits of light blue and white plaster and glass showering down upon the floor. He would turn away from his Fathers battered body now as his old man would cough up a bit of blood as he went to sit up, walking away a few steps to where the belt lay. He would bend over and snatch it up, turning back to his Father as he would let his swirling jade green eyes slip over his old mans hulking frame. Usually he would be filled with sheer terror at the mere thought of trying to fight back against his Father, but this actually felt good; not having to be afraid of him.

    I'm gonna try posting the chapters that I'm writing for a Novel that I've started.
    Hope y'all enjoy it :)
    (this is part 2 of chapter 2)
    yes its short

    A Night To Remember

    Slowly, he would begin to walk back towards his Father, the leather belt now held tightly within his clenched fist. He wanted him to experience all the pain he had to feel, each painful, searing, stinging slash that had been slapped onto him. As he got up to his Father, he would raise the belt up, shoulder height, his chest rising and falling in a slightly quicker succession as he would bring the belt down with a pain filled, angry cry.

    Each strike cracked through the air and over his Father's body, the buckle thwacking into the side of his Father's head over and over again with each strike, as well as whipping into his side and back. Each hit released a bit of anger- a bit of pain that he had built up. It felt so good to release all of this, get if off his chest, to let it all go. He needed this so badly, needed to let it all go so he really could start anew.
    As the buckle connected over and over with his Fathers head, deeper and wider lacerations would become present, blood slipping from each of them to fall down along his cheek, neck, shoulder and chest as he would fall back to the ground. The blood would pool beneath his Father's head, collecting there upon the rug and started to seep and sink down into it. After a good fifteen minutes he would stop, the belt slipping to the ground from slender trembling fingers as he doubled over, panting softly at the exertion. He had finally done it- finally gotten rid of all the weight that being terrified and chained to that terror and anger had put upon him.

    He was free now, free to do and be as he chose. He would straighten up after a moment, catching his breath slightly as he would now move to stumble over to the doorway of the living room. As he took a step outside of the living room, he would catch sight of someone leaning against the front door. It was a rather familiar looking person, and, as he saw him, a small smile would come to his face.
