Hello there! Empire staff and players I am posting here to today, to try to find so help. I have just recently joined this server, about 2 weeks ago. EMC is set up amazing, love all the work done by the creators. Any ways I have just built a huge structure in the frontier east area. I want to make it for Public use, but I just built it and already have people griefing my build. There is probably 2 people but not sure never see them.... One just breaks random blocks here and there. The other one likes to find areas where he can block off my golems and mobs by clogging up a hole or breaking the water paths..Hopefully a staff member responds to me to help me find the guilty person behind all these frustrating problems they make. As you can see below is the cords to a block I left so some one can find the last person who altered it.
If you would like to report a grief, it is best to start a conversation with a few of the moderators, listed at http://empireminecraft.com/XenStaff/. It is also best not to publicly announce the coordinates if you want to prevent further griefings.
Remove the cords and screenies now. You basically made it public... To report griefing msg a staff at http://empireminecraft.com/XenStaff/ and put info like cords in there.
I just edited your post to remove the screenshot, to minimise any future problems. You may re-edited your post and show the coords if you wish, it's up to you. (maybe you want to advertise your farm, i don't know). Also, as others said, it's best to look on forum homepage and contact a staff member online to deal with it quickly. I will go take a look and sort this out for you shortly.