My Big Announcement! (oh and short letter to the community)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Eviltoade, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. You guys are so freaking sappy man. nothing bad happened because we the players assumed the roles of aikar, kryssy, chin and simon to make sure nothing got out of hand lmbo. It was pretty fun though. too bad I had to work. I think the servers came back up about twenty minutes after I went to bed.

    As far as those complaining about the emc... we gotta stir that pot? lol.

    Oh and as far as I know there were no mini boss spawns :( half my night of having a whole smp to myself wasted lol. What did it get down to like 10 people? I know there were at least 10 afkers and before I went to bed there was 37 online I think. So 25ish people actually playing was probably an overestimate of how many there were right before the attacks ended. There was like 25ish people on mumble at 2am lol.
    DubChef likes this.
  2. As a follow-up, I did in fact get mailed ears from Phelps tonight.
    eviltoade, poofasaurus and Gawadrolt like this.
  3. Well said EvilToade <3
    eviltoade likes this.
  4. I'm not an old EMC member, 150 days, but I had such a fantastic time last night because it was the first time I've ever really seen the different SMPs band together for a common cause. While I wasn't able to spawn a mini boss with DJ, SEP, and SnowyBearr, I did love making an appearance at the rebellion, throwing a Minecraft Apocalypse drop party, and using town chat for everything :) Thanks to those that made the evening fun, whether in game or out of game chatting about what you were doing irl or watching me frolic around the waste of smp2 (which I feel I single handedly saved from extinction. You're welcome :p ) Mumble came alive in ways I had not seen and while we may all need new ears, it was very much so worth it. Strangers became acquaintances and acquaintances, friends.
  5. Everyone knows I am a soft boy, I literally cried and by stomach was tingling eviltoade magnificent speech *Audience claps
    eviltoade likes this.
  6. I actually had a lot of fun on the forums when the server wasn't accesible :D I really have come to enjoy this wonderful community. <3!
    eviltoade likes this.