My (belated) EMC Birthday!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by G_Guppy, Jul 30, 2013.


Do you want 1st prize?

Poll closed Aug 3, 2013.
Heck yes! :D 10 vote(s) 83.3%
Heck no! >:( 2 vote(s) 16.7%
  1. ? Once again BUMP
  2. My friend cant access his account so ill add him. codwawisfun-34
  3. Well i guess im still oging to do the giveaway.
  4. Using
  5. Okay heres the winners.

    1st codwawisfun with the number 34

    2nd runtaylorun1 with the number 28

    3rd lotayx with the number 5