Mumble For Empire?

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by CowMan18, Oct 26, 2012.


Should Empire Minecraft have Mumble?

Poll closed Nov 26, 2012.
Yes 6 vote(s) 46.2%
No 1 vote(s) 7.7%
Don't know what this is 6 vote(s) 46.2%
  1. The IP is Aikar.Co my friends and I use it a lot. Its for talking
  2. My server is pretty much the official now. One day we will broadcast it more on the site.. just no time to push on it atm.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  3. We need a teamspeak too (Mumble flat out refuses to support my soundcard)
    TheTrufflehunter likes this.
  4. josh and i have been doing TS for the past 4+ months. so much hunger games :p