[Moving Movers] Official Thread -- We will help you dig out your res!

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by wisepsn, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. This is my newest Businesses that I hope will go on for a very long time, Moving Movers. Moving your res somewhere else but don't want a grief party? Have a res and you need to dig out the dirt? Moving Movers is for you.

    First of all, we will move your res / dig out your residence. We have many vaults helping us to bring your stuff, and we have residences FULL of chests. We have said 100% we will not take any stuff. This forum is pretty much a contract saying that we can not take ANY of your stuff. We will USE your stuff to put in chests, then, when you have found your residence, give the stuff back. People might think we are just gonna steal your stuff, you can just /report us and it will take away the problem. Yes, this is how 100% sure we won't steal your stuff. Have a big res and want to move? We can help. Got a new res and need us to dig out the dirt? We can help. We have diamond shouvels ready to take away the problem. We will just Mooooo away, and your stuff will be gone!

    Once we are done digging out / moving out your res, you must pay us the money. Please read below what the costs are.

    Digging out the res cost about 250 - 350 rupees. Yes, a very cheap price!

    Moving out your res, will cost around 750 to 1250 rupees. Moving out costs a little more money, so watch out!

    We will give sales and discounts! Just follow us and see our events to make your moving go out even SMOOTHER.

    If you would like to get MOOooed, PM me (wisepsn), and we will get your res moved/ digged fast!*

    *Moving may take longer and vary prices if residence is larger.


    Moving Movers will have ONE policy; We will not take any items. I am trustworthy and loyal. I am also hiring more people, because this is just the starting of Moving Movers.

    To be in moving movers, you must be loyal. Friendly. Must be a member and have been on Empire for more than 80 days.

    If you would like to join, leave your minecraft username and then PM us.