I was thinking about the fishing in the new update and how you can get name tags, enchanted books, and other fishing rods to. So it might be a good idea to have a small chance of earning rupees while you fish! I hope you concider my idea Thank you, Major eyewater
You can get random loot in dungeons? If we add this, then you should also be able to get rupees in dungeons. Basically, this isn't something that Aikar will do.
The reason this and mba2012's idea is a good idea as it gives some more incentive to play more to fish and adventure to boost economy with new items!
It's possible, but it's not exactly logical. People are going to have AFK fish farms going on. Do we really want people to be DIRECTLY earning rupees while AFK?
Why would anyone wanna stand there and fish for rupees for like an hour when you could of made twice the amount by doing something else that gains you rupees. I really do not like this idea when there is to many flaws. Sorry