Mom's Min Mart....

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by Zelda2786, May 8, 2017.

  1. Mom's Mini Mart was created for the young girls & boys that need help holding onto their cash/ruppees. It's hard for everyone to budget, yet harder on the young ones that haven't had to buy their own building materials, animals, weapons & such. My shop has a lot of the things you need to START your res out with, the basics & cheap too. If your a beginner come on over look for me Mom Zelda, I can offer you many things to start your new build with, if I don't have it my son will. I have a never ending supply of all kinds of wood & cobble, plus so much more to see. Tell me your a beginner & I'll give you a grand deal. I'm at Mom's Mini Mart /v 10219.... see you there. :):D

    I sell all the wood types logs, planks & saplings, in Oak, Dark Oak, Berch, Pine, Jungle, Asacia.
    I sell sand, sandstone, End Sand. Also cobble, stone & brick blocks. I have a new Diamond shop with Diamond armor, weapons & tools. Potions are helpful I have a few of the best ones. I also have some animals & veggies to feed them too. You can trade with my villagers & get your own enchantment books at a better price too. So wood, sand, diamond, animals & veggies, with other odd items to boot. Stop by & say "Hi" to Mom. :D

    So this is my shop & 2nd res of trees
    This is where i sell the never ending supply of wood 4th floor, with a tp pad when you arrive upstairs flight made easy. :)

    This is where the never ending wood supply comes from...beautiful aren't they.

    3rd floor the new diamond shop for your armor, weapons, tools & enchantment books. With veggies & odd items, just around the corner. Step on the correct tp pad & fly upstairs.

    This is my 1st floor entrance with eggified animals & villagers, sand, glass & cobble's endless supply. My Anvil, Enchantment Table on the 2nd floor are for everyone to use & Wool shop at the top of the stairs & right. Turn back around left you'll find a brewing potions room just for my visitors to make their own kind of potions, most items to make the potion is right there too. I've even made a Potion recipe book just for you, it puts all the potions & things all together in one easy to follow book. :D

    My villagers breeding area, the chests have trading food, bring your books & emeralds with you to make your own enchantment books. Hop over the chest into the villagers "town" & trade with them, hop out by clicking on the birch tree ladder (on right out of pic), or bring a block..make sure you break it before leaving...we wouldn't want any escaping. XD

    So pop on over to /v 10219 land right here for the fireworks (look up) read the board to tp where you want to go. Or walk in straight ahead & right & enjoy bouncing on tops of my trees into the pond & visit squiggly.