Mobs back in Town, protect your things! - April Fools 2012

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Mar 31, 2012.

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  1. Wewt. April fools :)
  2. Saying sorry caps doesn't fix it.

    Also, its a joke.
  3. I guess its time to strap on my diamond armor and head for the hills...
    JustinGuy likes this.
  4. Is this Fool or not
  5. This is a fool!!!
  6. Then why can't we take damage from catcus, 4 example
    battmeghs likes this.
  7. or lava
    battmeghs likes this.
  8. i have not seen any mobs
    battmeghs likes this.
  9. one thing nobody probably noticed is he posted this 3 minutes before Notch tweet'd what is in the link ;)
    EDIT: and notice how it is @notch :p xD
  10. If this is an april fools joke ... it's a damn good one!
    battmeghs and Bu11dawg like this.
  11. Yea!
    A really annoying but good one!
  12. Mobs are coming soon(1.2.5)
    battmeghs likes this.
  13. No their there ive seen some but they are user controlled
  14. ur so right ask Justin 2 find it on twitter and give us a link like
  15. It's a good thing all my stuff is in The Vault downstairs and that there's literally a shack for a res on SMP2.

    Though mobs in town that can't harm you? Free stuff, I say, free stuff, but it takes time.
  16. That, and that's an awesome April Fools' prank Justin. It's no joke though; creepers stole my pressure plates
  17. What update?????????
  18. This is a good thing for me, I get XP, mob drops, and Iron Golem Farm.
  19. 2012-04-01_12.16.23.png
    I fight dragons with stone stuff. Listening to this:
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