Mobs back in Town, protect your things! - April Fools 2012

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Mar 31, 2012.

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  1. meh I don't use twitter so I wouldn't know lol
  2. Guys there are mobs, just do /town and see the enderdragon ;)
  3. Yes I believe it now everyone put your armor on and grab a sword! XD
  4. lier D: I haven't seen one mob in town :(
    Lun4rX and hayleycolgan like this.
  5. HAHAHA! I can't believe you even doubt it! Seriously.
    That said, I wish it where real. Mobs in town would be awesome! Just make it so they spawn in dark places and can't destroy or harm. Wish it wasn't APRIL FOOLS.
  6. There was soooo many in town last night. It was crazy. An ender dragon caused chaos on mine, iSmooch and Aikar's res's.
  7. That was stupid...
  8. [="xeriul, post: 78159"]APRIL FOOLS[/quote
    come on! its april fools day what do you think! although i saw a blaze and a cave spider in my residence today. . .
  9. is it also a joke, or did my friend grief my best machine ever (it disappeared) all that was left was a hole on the ground. oh yeah, i lost 30 diamonds. (i had it written down)
  10. wierdest thing ever, the second i posted my last reply, my generator respawned
  11. If this is, on the off chance true, I will totally build a prison
  12. So is it a joke or not. Be cause I do not understand. But just in case I built piston trap in my castle for killing enderman becaus ethey could steal a diamond blocking the treasure room.
  13. go to aikar's residence or gabrielrocks69's residence to see what the enderdragon did. This is no april fools joke.
  15. I`m really hoping that this is an april fools joke
  16. Mine too, though I rebuilt after it all died down.
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  17. I cant tell if this is an april fools joke, but im gonna do what he suggests just in case... :)
  18. Oh my fricking god!!! I hope enderman can't spawn!!! (I know they can)

    EVERYONE RUN FOR YOUR MC LIVE!!!!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:
  19. GUYS! GUYS! If you type /creeper you TURN INTO A CREEPER! I'm not joking, I swear!
    Lun4rX likes this.
  20. Umm Justin is this an April fools joke cuz I haven't seen any mobs!
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