MissKells's Log Bulk Business

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by MissKells, Sep 9, 2017.

  1. Hello Everyone :) MissKells here.

    I have setup a little side business of supplying anyone with DC's of logs and Planks. ONLY ACCEPTING MAX 3 DC's FOR NOW.

    Will raise that number in the future. Eventually i would like to add in foods and plant goods. But for now just logs. I have setup a google forms; so anyone who would like to place an order may do so in the link down below:

    Place order here: https://goo.gl/ujvSAk
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  2. What are your prices? This seems like a very valuable resource for me to have!
  3. They are in the google form.

    Order placed, thanks :)
    Cardman142 and MissKells like this.
  4. Sorry it's taking so long, acacia tree's are awkward to cut lol
    Cardman142 and ThaKloned like this.
  5. No problem. I am in no rush :)
    Cardman142 and MissKells like this.