Minecraft Structure Planner?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Bugmo1207, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. I recently found this Minecraft Structure Planner where you can create plans for your creations in the application. Then, using the guide you made for yourself, build it in Minecraft using your own materials.

    I do not think that the application allows you to export anything into the game. So I would not be exporting anything. I'd merely be creating plans for my buildings and then building them myself in game.

    I feel that this application would be incredibly helpful to me since I don't have an eye for structure and design from the ground up. I want to download it so badly and figure out how it works, but I'm afraid it may not be allowed for EMC users.

    So question:

    Am I allowed to download it and use it to make plans for myself?
  2. Of course. This application is not involved in any way with your MC folder. It's like you would start up photoshop and make a plan there.
    topdawg657 likes this.
  3. Woo sweet!
  4. Can you add the link please? I feel that this would help many players other than yourself.
    (me) :p