Member status?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by twinchicken86, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Yeah, must lock it now b4 it overpasses the *say bye emc* or whatever thread :p
  2. Then let make it to page 29 and lock it :D
  3. I just became active member today...
  4. That would be pretty darn cool.
  5. Though it was fun and everything, I would prefer this thread deleted... because it isn't really fair to people like me who earned all our Trophy Points (I was the first non-automaton to reach 118)

    So it should be deleted.
  6. NOOO! God I hate when people delete my threads.
    And, EMC is supposed to be fun. If ISmooch wants to like everything, then he can feel free. People on a forum can do what they want.
  7. Except asking for likes is against the rules and most of the posts on this thread were spam for like-boosting. (no offense)

    Also, his name is supposed to be iSmooch... he just forgot he had capslock on that day, I guess.
  8. At what page people started not talking about the Member Status?
    twinchicken86 likes this.
  9. Good question. But I made this thread so I should know...
  10. I'll take A LOT more posts to overpass it. Lolz x3
  11. Btw. I think i need about 18 more posts to have 100 posts. Lolz x3
  12. 100 posts on my thread! Yay! New Record! Highscore! Whatever the crap you want to call it!