Hi to anyone who may know anything about this: I was wondering what the differences and qualifications are between a "new member", "Member", "Active Member", and "Well-Known member". I am just a normal member as shown, but I have made 260+ posts. I saw one person with 180 posts that was an active member. What are the qualifications to become any of these? Is it based of likes given, likes received, people followed, number of posts, or a combination of all of the above?
Well, of course it does. It shows your supporter status in that place if you're a supporter, I think.
Indeed it does. I believe I'd be an Active member otherwise.. Maybe.. I have no idea how it works, sorry!
I've noticed girls seem to get a lot more likes then the guys, i will have to delve deeper into this phenomenon to try and ascertain why, untill then i'm gonna start telling people i'm the one on the left
You don't know what you're talking about Richard! Well it's all lies FooHundred! I am just amazing. That simple.