[Mall] The SMP8 Black Market

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by WardleDeBoss, Jun 12, 2017.


What would you like to see at the Black Market?

More Ores 1 vote(s) 12.5%
Armour/Weapons 3 vote(s) 37.5%
Spawn Eggs 3 vote(s) 37.5%
Misc Items 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Specific Item (Please say in a reply) 1 vote(s) 12.5%
  1. I have decided to start a mall/business called The SMP8 Black Market, Here I will be selling items/blocks cheaper than most malls/shops (Hence the name "Black Market")
    You can visit The Black Market by using /v +bm or /v 17457

    Currently I have a few shops setup but it's a WIP (Work In Progress) so it's not done yet, Updates will be posted here.

    There is also free anvil and enchant table use.

    Bulk buying is/will be PROHIBITED on some items.
    If you are caught re-selling any items bought at The Black Market, Your move flag will be removed.

    Currently Open Shops:

    The Villager Shoot, Sells villager spawn eggs at 40r each.
    Random Llamas, Sells llama spawn eggs at 50r each (ALL specs are random).
    Random Horses, Sells horse spawn eggs at 10r each (ALL specs are random).
    To Die For Diamonds, Sells diamonds for 50r each (32 per day or your buy flag will be removed)
    Iron Dreams, Sells iron ingots for 20r (Stack)
    Agile Saddles, Sells saddles for 30r each

    If you wish to donate or help me stock items, Please PM me in-game or start a conversation with me here on the forums. As a reward for helping me you will earn a thank you book/certificate and a place on The Wall Of Mentions to show I appreciate your help.
    benthebobjr and God_Of_Gods like this.
  2. Shop looks awesome and is really cheap hope to see it come along.

    P.S I accidently bought 33 diamonds so maybe you should add a donation hopper incase people want to donate or over buy slightly.
    WardleDeBoss likes this.
  3. I'd like to see some firearms and human body parts, please
  4. Good idea. Will add that soon.

    I'll do my best.
    EmpireMall likes this.
  5. Please step back it's my style you're cramping
  6. Just because you do it now, doesn't mean you own the market on practically giving stuff away ;)

    Cool idea, but good luck keeping it stocked! Keeping things stocked is what plagues these types of shops the most, since people will come through and buy everything out.
  7. Until I have strong competition owning the market is already done.
  8. I bought 33 by mistake... Sorry

    May i suggest adding sign for say 32 or 16 at a time?
    WardleDeBoss likes this.
  9. I would say Rundercaster2 should worry about his own shop threads and stay off of other people's and let them do their own thing. Live and let live, dude.
    benthebobjr likes this.
  10. I would say God_Of_Gods should not concern himself with what other people say on the forums that are not bothering him in any way. Live and let die, dude.
  11. That guideline is in place to prevent extreme bulk buying (Such as 64+ at a time) I really don't mind if you buy 1-3 over by mistake. But I will change the sign to 32, Thanks for your suggestion :)
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  12. LOL. When I see someone not treating others with respect I call it out. Trying to advertise their shop on someone else's shop advertisement thread is not treating people with respect. Think you're cool cause you're some kind of jock? I do not respond well to you trying to bully me, save that for the kids you think you can bully in your school. What are you Rundercaster's lap dog or something?
    benthebobjr likes this.
  13. I would appreciate it if you moved your silly argument off my thread. This is not the place. Either stop arguing or move it to PM/Somewhere else.
  14. You're exactly right. You've got a great shop and I will visit it regularly. If there is anything I can do to help you just let me know.
  15. I appreciate that.

    Diamonds, Iron and saddles are currently out of stock. I will restock as soon as I can.
  16. UPDATE:
    Diamonds, Iron and saddles are still out of stock for the time being.
    The diamond chest has been updated to buy 32 at a time. (1,600r per 32) If there is an error with the sign, Please let me know.

    I would like to thank finch_rocks_1 for the suggestion.
    I am open to any suggestions about the Black Market. If you would like to make a suggestion, Post here on the thread, Leave me a PM in-game or start a conversation with me here on the forums.
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  17. UPDATE:
    The Black Market is currently CLOSED while I setup more items and finish building.
    (During the closed time, All items will be restocked for opening)