Make a store that's a storage room?

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Nuttyknight42, Jan 29, 2021.

  1. I have this crazy idea of buildings a store in minecraft, but using that as a storage room idea. In a singleplayer world, so I can use piston to break the shulker box's/ bags.

    The minecart being the shopcart with the grocery list. The shelves being the storage room which will release enough items to fill up the minecart.

    The minecart will go to one of 9 check outs unload the items from the cart by conver, get ring up/ suck up by a hopper minecart. Which get loaded into shulker/ bags!

    Lot more ideas to be corporate into this store!

    What do you think?

    Plus a return center to bring back the items or items that detrime what the storage cart gets fill with.
    Maybe a backroom that I can put extra pallets of shulker box's with item with!
  2. Go for it, nothing is stopping you. I be interested how this turns out!
    Nuttyknight42 likes this.
  3. Interesting idea. :p

    For a moment I thought you were planning on making this on EMC as a store, which, of course, would be rather difficult, beceause of stuff like this breaking when someone unloads chunks, for example... :p

    For this idea as a SP storage room: Sounds interesting. I would personally never make this in survival, though, as it would probably get rather anoying to use :p
    In order to make this system somewhat speedy, and not aoying to use, I really advice to make this work at a rathe high speed. Try, for example, to make the minecart unloading in the shulker box work at 8* hopper speed. (Use hopperminecarts for the unloading and droppers for the loading,) and try to fill the minecart at 6 times hopper speed (three droppers,) or maybe even sixteen times hopper speed, positionnig the minecart halfway between two blocks, both vertically and horizontally. I have worked with unloading stuff like this before, and, I will tell you, waiting around for two stacks of items to slowly hopper through gets really annoying, especially when, with a system like this, you'd have to do that twice :p

    If you want a redstone-heavy storage system, that is also really usefull, maybe concider to design a system like what I was plannig to use on EMC: (I didn't because of the lagg it created... :p )
    There is a normal item storage and a bulk storage, seperate from eachother.
    The normal Item storage is one of those these, where there are maybe 9 stack maximum for each item type, and you have multime items per chest. sorting by "filling stacks"
    When you use the sorter, everything that does not fit in the normal storage goes to the bulk storage. The bulk storage has some regulairly set up item filters for the materials you know you have more than 9 stacks of.
    When you get materials from the normal storage, the bulk storage will automatically fill it up again to those 9 stacks, when it is able.
    When you get more of an item that you did not plan to get more than the allocated amount of, it goes to a variable bulk storage, with variable item filters. Thease are item filters that set themselves up automatically for whatever you throw at it, and then resets itself compleatly when the chest is emptied again, or when, even after some time, not more than a stack is inserted, in which case it drains the items it got and sorted through to a general "useless overflow."
    Of course, to minimise server lagg, try to lock all hoppers that are not in use, especially the ones that are filled up and pointing into filled up chests (Those created an order of magnitude more lagg than apty hoppers in 1.12, and do something simmilar now) :)

    That should also be quite a fun redstoning challenge :p
    Nuttyknight42 likes this.
  4. Would guys like me to make a redstone seires about design and building a store in minecraft?
    NickkG likes this.