Wood ServiceIn this service you will buy what is on the catalog.You will either pick up, or get the order delivered. After payment is received I will drop off or set up access chest. Co-Owner is Mossiknights. I will reply to your thread who is getting it, either me or him. Thanks CATALOGOak Log: Stack 95RupeesS/C 2450RupeesD/C 4700RupeesBirch Log: Stack 92RupeesS/C 2400RupeesD/C 4650RupeesSpruce Wood:Stack: 95Rupees S/C 2450RupeesD/C 4700RupeesJungle Log:Stack 92Rupees S/C 2400RupeesD/C 4650Rupees Transportation is 100r Extra.Optional Deadline. If completed within this time you will pay an extra 300r.ORDER FORM EX:Item(s): 2 DC of Oak Log, and 1 SC of Birch LogsTransportation? to 15177 on Smp7 of the cost of 100rOptional deadline: within 7 days of this post.Price: With deadline 12100Rupees.If not met only 11800 Please stick to under 3 DC at a time. Makes it easier for everyone. EDIT: Im pretty busy with work, sports, army my life etc. So I will try my best to get on the most and get your order.Most orders are done on Utopia. Therefore pick up will be at 5430 to the left of spawn. Once payment is received I will set up the access chests when I am on next. If you dont pick up within 1 week I will "Void" your order. Meaning it is now mine, and you paid for nothing. I can do what I want with it.
Item(s): 1 DC of Birch LogsTransportation? Pickup form you res Optional deadline: No thankiesPrice: 4650r
And I might not have it done for a few days. Over the next 2 days I will hardly be on EMC. Work, then Watching hte crows and work expeirience tomorrow. But I'll do my best