Lucky's Promos

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Luckygreenbird, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. OP has been cleaned. Some items have been added and some prices have been lowered.
    I hope I can get these sales rolling again. ;)
  2. is it just the normal Krysyy head?
  3. Was just going to ask xD
  4. Yes.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  5. Reserve all of the Pot of Golds for me please :)
  6. Can do. All 21 reserved.

    Oh, and bump!
  7. My bird wants you to buy some promos.
  8. Damn birb, these prices are HIGH
  9. The "higher priced items" are for sure. The rest are pretty reasonable and have been selling.
  10. Ham Hacker - 60k
    Freedom Blade (/shop &4 version) - 60k
    Turkey Slicer (2014) - 60k

    Total 180k

    Will send payment in approximately 3 hours.
  11. I have set them aside for you and will mail them upon payment.
  12. Total
  13. Will mail upon payment ;)
  14. 2013 Labor Bench

    Total- 40k

    (If not already taken)
  15. It is still available! :D Upon payment I'll mail it over.
  16. I've seen from around 150k to over 200k. Mine are on the higher side of it definitely.