Lost promo shulker full of stuff. (SMP5)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TransitBiker, May 28, 2018.

  1. I have lost my "santa's magic bag" promo shulker somewhere in the SMP5 waste. It has many items in it collected over several months, and it's part of the larger survival supply kit that i keep in my ender chest at all times. I took it out to put things into it from my inventory, however i seem to have run off afterwards without it. If anyone finds it, please do the right thing and return it to my residence's drop box, or alternately inform a EMC staff memer. If you want a reward, i'm sure we could come to some arrangement, however the shulker is not a freebie and the stuff inside is not up for grabs. Finding the shulker and not reporting it/returning it, or taking contents will definitely be seen as theft in the terms of the EMC rules, so just please do the right thing.


    - Andy
  2. I would want to help, but i'm currently occupied with my own projects. Sorry! I hope you find it!
    TransitBiker likes this.
  3. It's somewhere between the central, west, southwest, south, southeast, and east outpost. I traveled in a relatively straight line between the outposts to open up the map. The only area i went out from a straight line is between SE and E, and i know it's not there ,as it's been searched extensively/

    - Andy
  4. Was this before or after the Waste reset the other day?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  5. Sorry to be 'that' guy here, but...

    No, that is incorrect.

    If you lose something outside town, let's use the example of you getting killed, then your items will be fully protected for the first 8 minutes. No one can touch them except your friends. But after that period it becomes a free for all. If someone picks them up and doesn't return them then they are not stealing anything.

    After those 8 minutes it's finders keepers. That's simply the way the game works. It would turn into stealing if you had placed a chest somewhere, put the items into it and someone then took those items from the chest. That's most definitely stealing; people are now touching stuff from another player.

    But stuff that's merely lying on the ground does not follow these rules. They can't... If I find an iron pickaxe, a shulkerbox and maybe a few potions... how am I to know who those belong to?

    Sure... I would go the extra mileage and try to find out (/itemhistory can be an awesome command for that) because I think it's the only fair thing to do. But that's by my own choice and nothing else.

    Again, sorry to be 'that' guy but I think it's important not to confuse players about this. Picking stuff up which is lying on the ground is not stealing.
    kamirosee likes this.
  6. Sorry for a double post, but above I'm addressing other things, and I definitely want to try and help here.

    How did you lose it? And when?

    The most important question: did you die and drop it, or did you place it and forgot where?

    If you died: /dlog. It will show you the last places where you died, this is a very sure way to find such a location again. Warning: your items will drop, be protected for the first 8 minutes, and then it's a free for all. Also: they will despawn (disappear) after approx. 20 minutes. Keep this in mind!

    For easier finding: get a compass (use: /assist new), go to the waste and then: /compass death. Now the red needle will point to the last location where you died, making it a lot easier to locate it. Use /loc to see how many blocks you're away from said location.

    Hope this can help.
  7. Would a placed shulker box count as a chest? Because if he placed it and didnt break it that means it would count as theft if someone took it.
    TransitBiker and ShelLuser like this.
  8. Yups.

    The good news is that such a shulker box is a protected block. So no matter where you place it (Frontier, Waste, End) no one will be able to break it except your friends.

    The bad news is that it's considered a regular chest. So everyone can open it if they want to and take out (or put in) any items. Definitely stealing if someone takes items without permission.

    And I see what you mean Kami, good point! However, I'm a little confused if the OP actually placed it or might have dropped it after they died.
  9. To me it sounds like they placed it and then ran back to spawn without it but obviously im not them so im not entirely sure.
    Thanks for the info on your other two posts though, I've been on EMC for quite a while myself and I didn't even know about items being protected for 8 minutes. :p
    Also, OP, If i find any extra time and you haven't found it with Shel's info i'll go searching myself. :D
    TransitBiker likes this.
  10. he meant its stealing if you knew about his lost shulker beforehsnd but never made him awqre of it
    TransitBiker likes this.
  11. I placed the shulker to use it. I never hit it to "tile drop" or picked it back up. My inv was not full at the time, so even if i had broken the block, it would be in my inv now. I didnt die, only the nether is so handy ad killing meh! It's out there, sitting somewhere taunting me from some daft accidental hiding place. Sorry about the delayed response, having some difficulties on my end that i wont get into except that i would not wish the current state of myself on anyone else. I should have been doing a private livestream (no one can view it but me) to record it all. Might be how i proceed in the future after this mess.

    - Andy
    kamirosee likes this.
  12. I am going to do one thorough pass between central spawn, west spawn, and southwest spawn to really scour the villages and stuff to check them off the list. There is every possibility that it is simply sitting out in the open somewhere. I run to the rescue of other players from time to time, and that may have been what happened here, instead i left the thing behind being in a state of heat exhaustion and lack of sleep from AC not working/too warm & humid to sleep. So, i'll do the villages first, then i'll walk the path (like Neo?) to rule out that area on the ground.

    - Andy
    kamirosee and Starzival like this.
  13. Tomorrow after school I'll try helping you. When you placed it was it in the open, in a cave enterance, etc?
  14. This won't help you now, but maybe its useful in the future: if you place a lock sign on top of it (a sign which only says 'locked' on the first line) then this will do 2 things: it locks your chest at the cost of 1k rupees, but because of that it will also list this transaction in your rupee log, together with the coordinates.

    And you get 500r back once you remove the sign again. Of course this won't help if you accidentally placed the box. Can't comment on that because I've never had that happen to me.

    Back to the present:

    First: I think you overlooked Towers reaction. Are you sure you didn't place this before the waste reset? See, your original post was on Monday, just a few days after the reset. Definitely something to keep in mind.

    Now, good news: The live map only updates when someone is actually 'doing' stuff there. So placing or removing blocks. Just walking around will not update the map. So you can concentrate on those areas which are currently open, and ignore all the black space. It's still a huge area to cover though :confused:
  15. I found it a couple days ago, probably right after you lost it. I thought it was crazy that you would leave valuables laying out like that so I put a protected block over it, thinking you would be back shortly. It's at /waste sw then go down the south stairs. Shulkers are protected so no one could have mailed it to you.
  16. Woah, thanks man! I kept thinking i put it by an outpost stairs, but there are 18 of them, so i had no idea where!

    - Andy
  17. Of course i died losing a bunch of stuff that was meant to go to the 90k club while looking for the darn thing. Gonna be a while before i can recover everything, but thank you, i found the shulker and it's now safely moved to my res! :)

    - Andy