Looking to do a christmas event.

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by bitemenow15, Dec 7, 2017.

  1. I have a really fun and unique idea but i need some collaborators.
    A. i need a builder who can design a little town cooped up on a res and finish it before the 25th
    B. i need someone else to help me pay for things (im not the richest feller on smp6)

    if you are interested in either of these things pm me
    ShelLuser and padde73 like this.
  2. I've known you for a while now (not in the likes of us always talking to each other, but... you get the drift) and well... A guy who gets a post from the almighty Kephras on his profile can't be all that bad :p

    I got a good feel here, so tell you what: I'll put up 10k for starters to see where this is going. That should help get things started a bit. When we actually get somewhere I'm willing to eventually double that. I'll also try to help but I'm also not very good at building. But... 2 wrongs make one right, right? :D We could always steal copy from the villagers and stuff based around those designs. That's at least somewhat doable.

    Worst case (I'd rather not go there because it's boring as heck, but...) we could set up something in creative, copy that and then use Schematica to get it onto the Empire. I've used that method a few times, it works and all, but man is it boring :p (you're basically only placing blocks based on a pre-determined design, so just copying a 'shadow build' so to speak).

    Lemme know :)

    PS: Just saw your name... Naah, this is bound to become spectacular! Us Elite's can only end up doing something elitistic errr: Epic and Spectacular right? :D It'll be elite too :)

    (sorry, couldn't resist) ;)
  3. bumpannnnnstill looking for a builder who wants to design and build a holiday town
    ShelLuser likes this.
  4. still lookin for a builder need help getting this thing off to a good startt
  5. Do you need someone to build you a holiday town, or someone to copy a holiday town from one res to another?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  6. either one?