Looking to Buy Shulker Boxes

Discussion in 'Buying' started by justjerbear, Dec 20, 2018.

  1. I'm looking to purchase maybe 10 or 20 shulker boxes; not sure what the going rate is. Does anyone know a shop that has them? Or pm me if you'd be willing to sell some.

  2. I sell some occasionally at market day.
  3. Thanks for the reply. How much do you usually sell them for??
  4. I have about 3 DCs worth on Utopia /v 5006@shop
  5. 2k, don't call me a fool, call me nice
  6. How much are those sold for?
  7. I believe 3k or 3.5k. Something like that. Tons in stock.
  8. Thank you. I bought some at your shop, ThaKloned. And I'll buy some off you at market day, yosh, if you're selling any.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  9. I'll try to tell you when I stock up