Hi! I'm looking for someone who could host a server for maybe 40 people. I'm not sure how many people would be there, could be 25, could be 30, could be 40. Could even be 60... I really hope that anyone want to do this for our community! It has to be without Hamachi or any other Connect-Through-Network thing, it has to be so that anyone may connect at any time, without having to do anything else first. No Plugin is needed, but Mcmmo would be nice to have, and could make i more exciting for the Contestants. If you would want to help, either say it here or in my Event's Main Thread: http://empireminecraft.com/threads/the-hunger-games-event-preparation-by-alexhallon.6562/ If you would like more info, ore have questions, just ask me .
I could host a server, I have the Broadband capacity, But it wouldn't be 24/7 as it would be my home PC
I don't think that it has to be 24/7, I'm not sure if the Event will be ended in a few minutes or if it will take 2 days... Do you have the capacity to host around 40 people with no/little lag? I think that's how many will be online. And also, can you make so that people can connect without Hamachi and anything like that?
I can host 30 with no lag, I imagine 40 would have very little lag. Do you need the nether/end in this?
Ok, good, I think that there will be around 40. I hope it will... No Nether/End needed. Can you fix Mcmmo or any plugin of that type? Not needed, but would make it cooler I'm feeling like I found our Server Host!
Yay, less lag! Everyone loves less lag. It's a Plugin, but not sure if came out for 1.2.5 yet tough =/.
Ok, nice. I don't think we need anything, I'm going to try to recreate the The Hunger Games area and Capital (Will be hard). If I fail to create it, can you add it later on? I guess that was a dumb question, but just want to be 100% sure .
It doesn't matter if it isn't compatible with 1.2.5, You can connect to 1.2.4 server with a 1.2.5 client. and Vice versa
Yes please! For now only let us 2 know the ip, but soon there will probably be more GameHolder's for the Event, and then they need to know the ip to. I will now put you as Server Hoster