Looking for people to play The Sims 4 (PC) with!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by triphora, Dec 18, 2017.

  1. Looking for people to play The Sims 4 with me on PC/Mac, add me on Origin, SydneyTheLime43. Just make sure you tell me that it's someone from EMC if it's not the same name as your MC username. :p
  2. I uninstalled TS4 a while ago, is it somehow multiplayer now? what's the significance of adding someone on origin?
  3. lol i posted this before i knew it wasn't multiplayer :p I had never played it yet
  4. Damn, i was excited to tell Aphaea. She's been playing it for a few days, i thought they had neighbour mp or something
  5. Awh rip
    that would be really cool if sims was multiplayer
  6. If it is, I would like it
  7. lol i have it but i'd have to reinstall it