Looking for Builders

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TheCritic, Jan 31, 2018.

  1. If you enjoy building, using schematica, and chatting on Discord, Reach out to me here on this post, or start a private conversation.

    I have builds you might want to help with, you might have builds I can help with.

    Basically, building with pals is more fun.

    I don't mind teaching you schematica over discord, but you need to be able to get forge and the mod loaded on your own.

    MoreMoople and haastregt like this.
  2. I have never actually used schematica, but I am thinking about just installing it. currently I just plan everything out on my resses, survival mode etc. It can be a pain to see that you are a block off or that something wont fit properly like you wanted. Somethimes I use creative mode in a single-player world to make a design first, but that is alot of hopping back and forward.
    Patr1cV likes this.
  3. Well, if you are interested, I can help you get started with Schematica. If you are on later, hit me up!
    haastregt likes this.
  4. I know the feeling about being a block off when building! I've never used Schematica, but I just "winged it when I built 18002. I had to redo sections so many times due to mistakes :mad:
    ThaKloned likes this.
  5. I am online now (on discord too)
    Patr1cV likes this.
  6. I installed schematica and it works wonders!
    Patr1cV likes this.