Looking for a texture pack

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JeffSnortsGravl, Aug 19, 2018.

  1. I like the PvP style packs but I don't like when they have very different textures for some things (black alien heads for gapples for example) and, I like bordered ores like in UHC packs. I have one I like for 1.8 so, I am looking for a 1.12 or 1.13 one. If anyone knows a good one, an easy way to combine texture packs, (but choose which textures you want to switch [Ive tried putting the 1.8.9 on in 1.12.2 and it keeps the changed textures and uses the default one for the others, but with 2 packs that change some of the same thing I don't know how that would work]) or to make one please let me know. I'm pretty new to texture packs so any help is appreciated :D
  2. You do know that you can move resource packs up and down to determine the order in which they get applied? Anything included in a pack will overwrite the same things from packs under it. If some resource is not in any pack, the default will be used.
  3. I did not xD thank you! :)
    607 likes this.
  4. I've been trying it and its a great way to add textures for features added since the pack was made but say I didnt like a texture for a block in the first one. Could I pick that texture not to be applied?
    607 likes this.
  5. No, you can only let it be overwritten by a texture in a pack above it.

    It shouldn't be too much of a hassle to go into the texture pack in Windows Explorer (or the equivalent on whatever system you're using) and remove the texture you don't like, though.
    JeffiGaming likes this.
  6. Oh didn't realize it was that simple. Thank you! :D
    607 likes this.
  7. I found the file deleted some stuff, including a block breaking animation, so the one under it could be used and I found you can swap textures with that. This solves all my problems! just wanted to say thank you again
    607 likes this.
  8. Haha, that's fine. :p The system works quite nicely nowadays, back when I was into texture packs it was a lot harder to do this stuff. :p
    JeffiGaming likes this.