Let Me Hug U

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Elysianx, Sep 26, 2012.


Did you like the hug?

OH YES ;) 69 vote(s) 95.8%
no -.- 7 vote(s) 9.7%
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  1. I want a HUG!!

  2. Now those are cute!
  3. honey.thumbnail.png eklandpma.png Me and Pmaz8 give awesome hugs - just ask us in game if you need a hug ... and i'll send a *hug* no doubt :D
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and Steven7485 like this.
  4. That was a creepy time at EMC...
    Why are you posting pictures of me in my normal form?
  5. She's stalking you....
  6. Not to worry, I'll activate sleep watch and get my dragon cave dragons to burn her butt and let me crumple the camera with my claws.
  7. Well then...
  8. harsh much? ... does someone need a hug? <3 (hug*)
  9. R.I.P. Creighton Duke. Inside joke.
  10. huuugs you say?! i am da monsta! i wuv hugs :D :p