[Left2Die] A new hardcore waste

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by SteveClasher, Aug 5, 2015.

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  1. It could be a tiny waste with a custom map like a city or a building that resets every day where mobs spawns at a ridiculous ammount (with unbreakable spawners all around the map). And there could be chests hidden or not with loot in it, like the 300th member event but with everything breakable minus the spawners and bedrock. And with bosses roaming on the map. Of course no pvp ele it would be totaly unfair.

    Some poeple might say ''play dificulty 10'' but I tried and it dosen't make spawn more bosses and I only get a broken armor after 3 hits of a monster for only some rotten flesh meh. It would raise the demend of enchanted materials and god apples. It's just an idea because I know some way more urgent things are being worked on like bugs and dragon thomb.

    Please tell me what you think about this.
  2. This sounds a lot like Dystopia, which is basically the direct opposite of Utopia. That'll come in a long time, though.
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