Keeping Inventory Accross Servers ( Visual Item Alias Part 2 ) (DENIED)

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by The_D1rt_Lord, Jul 19, 2017.


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  1. First things I want to mention is this idea ties into and also I would have thought this would already have been suggested but I can't seem to find a thread about it.

    So I think everybody likes to go between multiple servers whether it is friends or events or anything else. For me I always hated having to put items into my vault then switch server then find it and take it out. Oh wait I forgot a _____ I gotta go back to the other smp then put another item into my vault and then go back and reopen my vault and find the item and put it in my inventory. I find it a pain and (b4 I was banned) had an inventory full of junk on every server and didn't want to put it in my vault as it would take to long and if I did put it in my vault I would never take it out.

    Thats why I thought of putting my items in my vault and made Aikar liked the concept of the idea but had a slightly different thing in mind.

    But I see why it would be hard to implement and just why he decided it should be diamond only.

    I feel like my new Idea would be nice and simple. If on every server except maybe 1 you had an empty inventory you could have the option of "Keeping Inventory" across servers. This would be helpful for 3 reasons.

    1. It takes the place of my original idea making it simpler.

    2. It lets builders/redstoners make their own storage room meaning if a builder wants to make a nice primerine room for all their goods they can. If a redstoner wants to make an auto sorting storage room, they can.

    2. Its more vinilla that way which I think is what alot of people want and combining with #2 redstone sorting/organizing to me if vinilla not typing a command and getting a window.

    Problem: This could be OP if someone in the wild on lets say smp1 collected resources. They could easily transfer to smp2 and then use a friend to move it to an smp1 res. It could be made however that if you are in wild/waste nothing will transfer over.

  2. -1 that's the point of vaults.
    Krysyy likes this.
  3. The point of this thread is vaults waste time and you can modify them.
  4. Going to outright deny this suggestion. No reasonable way for us to implement this.
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