Job List

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by ILTG, Dec 25, 2015.


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  1. What is it?
    This is a database of user-submitted jobs, created for players in need of some rupees. Whether it be building a dirt hut or a mansion, breaking a few trees, or demolishing an entire forest, you can probably find it here.

    Who can submit a job?
    Anyone! Even if someone else has already added the same job as you, the payment amounts may be different! You can submit your job using this simple application. Once reviewed and accepted, your job should be on the thread within 3-5 days.

    Job Name:
    Job Description:
    Payment Method/Amount:
    Approx. Amount of Time Needed to Complete Job:

    After your job is accepted (or declined), please remove your application from the thread. I

    Why Use This?
    Well, sometimes you may have trouble advertising a job you have for someone. Your message might get lost in chat, or people might not see it. Also, people sometimes have a hard time finding someone to actually give them a job. Using this list of jobs, anyone can easily find something to do.

    • Jobs can be listed with no payment, under the volunteer section.
    • Only contact a player if you are absolutely going to complete the job. Players are required to give a detailed job description, so there is no reason that you should not know what the job is about.
    Good luck!
    Mr_Zulus likes this.
  2. Jobs

    Submitted by Tahitan [PM]
    Job Name: Ore Supplier
    Job Description: I am building a new shop on SMP2 which supplies only Ores in all forms and I need a supplier
    Payment Method/Amount: Per Item
    Approx. Amount of Time Needed to Complete Job: Depends on how long you want to supply me, I am also intereted in a supplier who can supply me for a long run

    Submitted by Tahitan [PM]
    Job Name: Market Building
    Job Description: I am in need of a small market area at my residence at /v FunMart. Also I will use this build to display small casino games and to sell some extra junk :D
    Payment Method/Amount: 50k
    Approx. Amount of Time Needed to Complete Job: Depends on the speed of builder.

    Submitted by Mr_Zulus [PM]
    Job Name: Wood Cutter (spruce
    Job Description: Cut 2x2 spruce trees, then reseed in 2x2 manner. Pm me to get build flag. (do not cut other trees plz. Comfortable environment : Haste II beacons, always day (utopia town), teleports for fast reaching top of tree and cut it down. (pm me if you break it by mistake)
    Payment Method/Amount: sell Chest, 2r per log, 128r per stack (64 logs)
    Approx. Amount of Time Needed to Complete Job: Depends on the will of cutter You can sell as much as you want. 7
    DC currently.

    Volunteer Work
  3. Job Name: Wood Cutter (spruce

    Job Description: Cut 2x2 spruce trees, then reseed in 2x2 manner. Pm me to get build flag. (do not cut other trees plz. Comfortable environment : Haste II beacons, always day (utopia town), teleports for fast reaching top of tree and cut it down. (pm me if you break it by mistake)

    Payment Method/Amount: sell Chest, 2r per log, 128r per stack (64 logs)

    Approx. Amount of Time Needed to Complete Job: Depends on the will of cutter ;) You can sell as much as you want. 7
    DC currently.
    ILTG likes this.
  4. Three jobs have been added so far! If you want one, click the little PM button next to the employer's name!