jewel_king stole my idea >:U

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Rhyblet, Mar 13, 2018.

  1. I also did a thing, but I did it first :I

    (Ignore the frog that may or may not be in the background)
    MoreSeflYT and Tuqueque like this.
  2. hax0r he teleported you :p
    MoreSeflYT likes this.
  3. how could i steal your idea you never want to talk lol xD

    edit: why is that? xD
  4. Wow, stealing ideas... How rude.
  5. I see a toade in the background... did he teleport you?
  6. no he's just magically there
  7. Do you not remember Rhy eventually getting it?
  8. Pay close attention to the 'First Empire Sign-In'...
  9. Woah! :eek:
    Glad to have you here! :)
    Sydney4363 likes this.