Is Smp4 Having issues?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Bro_im_infinite, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Yes for several days in a row :(
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  2. I've been able to just quickly log on and enchant a book, but thats it, anything else results in a disconnect within 15-30 minutes...
  3. yes
    LoyalKoala and cutejuliew like this.
  4. I'm with ya there Bro, I don't even get the 15-30 min play time... The nearby chunks don't even finish loading for me and I get the readtimeout exception.

    Been over 48hrs since I've been able to set foot on my plots...
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  5. this account dont work, but then my alt works, Aikar idk about you but this makes no sense to me xD
    LoyalKoala and cutejuliew like this.
  6. Gettting kicked off every 5 minutes now
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  7. Just a warning to everyone: do not teleport to any residences around 9099. Your account will get stuck and you'll end up kicking everyone when you try to connect...
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  8. Is fire floor there?
  9. Aikar, I need you to tp me out of fire floor, I think my account is stuck there... -,-
  10. yeah... imcurrently at loss for whats causing this ugh ;(. if your stuck here, use direct connect addresses for now.
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  11. It fire floor... Way too leggy for the server and we don't even need it, or that big if anything
  12. I've noticed a lot of people near spawn on smp4 for the past few days actually have quite a bit of fireworks going off - even if they're afk ...
  13. That isn't the location that is causing the issues.
  14. that doesnt even fix it xD tried that
    LoyalKoala and cutejuliew like this.
  15. theres no possible solutions, ive tried everything! i thnk u need to tp everyone in the glitch chunkcs to /town to fix it
    LoyalKoala and cutejuliew like this.
  16. I think he means connecting to other servers such as Utopia if you want to still play. ;)
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  17. im logging off for the day getting bored of getting disconnected now
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  18. if the issue is in or around 9099, my res, here's the last thing I did, I was on my second plot 9237, which is right behind my 9099, and I wanted to see who my neighbor was, so I ran over to his plot (9236 - jjmagno) and typed /res info, I received no response and soon after got d/c.

    on a side note, does anyone else see the old data on the live map? like my neighbor on 9100, the only thing there is a DC and a crafting table, but the live map shows portions of the last owners walls.

    Could this possibly be a corrupt save?
    _Stads_ likes this.
  19. also when I was trying to connect, the chunks E of my 2 res's won't load, but the chunks W will for as far I can see. Just more info that may be valuable.
    _Stads_ and Bro_im_infinite like this.
  20. i offered aikar that he could borrow my account for testing but idk if he'll need it
    LoyalKoala and cutejuliew like this.