Is it just me or have we lost alot of Well-Known players?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Nuttyknight42, Oct 25, 2018.


Is it just me or have we lost alot of Well-Known players?

Poll closed Nov 8, 2018.
It's just you! 1 vote(s) 33.3%
I notice it too 1 vote(s) 33.3%
Other with reply 1 vote(s) 33.3%
  1. it just me or have we lost alot of Well-Known players on Emc? I used to log in; say hi and i would recive alot of hi's back. Now i chould hear a pinned drop.

    Nuttykight42 out
  2. I've said this before and I'll say so again and again. If you want EMC to be a place where people respond when you say hi, then make that change yourself. Players come and go over time. Real life gets in the way and/or they become tired of the game. If all the 'well-known' players have gone, then you should fill their place. Become well-known yourself and keep the spirit of EMC thriving. The power of EMC lies in the community and all players make up that community, not just a few.

    Also, keep in mind that we are not yet 1.13. Once we are 1.13, you'll likely see some familiar faces back again. We can't update as fast as other places because we don't hit reset with every update.
  3. We certainly have. However, the OP confuses me. Are you talking about the Minecraft servers? If so, the short answer stays the same: we certainly have. And because this appears to be what you mean, I won't give the long answer. ;)
    FadedMartian and Nuttyknight42 like this.
  4. Also the players have there own timezones and thank you krysyy and 607 for your input.
  5. Have we lost a lot of well-known members? Yes. The answer is yes. Can anything be done about the fact that these people have left? No.
    FadedMartian likes this.