I'm excited for 1.4

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Cypher_Rahl, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. trollling.jpg
    Cypher_Rahl likes this.
  2. i just wana see what we do coz wither boss will be bad coz its gona be worse than creepers makeing wilderness even more messed up

    also wondering how the becon thing will gie us boosts
  3. I'm more exited that you :p
  4. As far as I know, you need 3 skeleton heads to spawn the wither? Or do they spawn randomly now? I don't think people would waste the heads, and just have wither boss's floating around.
    As for beacons, I don't know how many buffs you can have with it, some should still work with EMC.
  5. Your punctuation and spelling has confused me...

    If you're wondering how the beacon works, you stand near it and you get enchantments that you bought with diamonds, iron or gold.
    Cypher_Rahl likes this.
  6. i mean like for the server will beacon work if its in our res coz if its in wilderness to use it it will just get greefed and also how can we get the buffs on servers we dont have a res on
  8. I'm more excited than you?
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  9. It'll work in your res.
    If you don't want to get griefed, you stay in town.
    Which is why I live in the wild.
  10. Oh, and there are clothes right?
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  11. lol same! I've already prepared a sp one on a snapshot :)
  12. im going to stock up on ingredients for item frames
    Cypher_Rahl likes this.
  13. Can you come on IRC? Id like to see why you think CB is bad really lol.

    This is java, line counts mean absolutely nothing in Java. but even with that, I don't see a lot of code that could be done with less lines that would make sense to.

    I feel you may be mistaking Mojang code for bukkits code, they are mixed together.
  14. I'll get on IRC in a min, I have to go to the pet store to buy my axolotls some bloodworm.
  15. My mum wound up wanting to buy ingredients for cookies and some indian curry for tonight. You ready for IRC?
  16. ...Curry... cookies? (o.0 ;; )?