If your good with "Photoshop" read this

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by gabe627, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. it's kind of crappy but i'll do... lol
  2. It is nice
  3. Here's mine:

    gabe627 and BobTheTomato9798 like this.
  4. Very cool
  5. What kind of photoshop do u guys have
  6. CS3, CS5 (64 Bit), and CS5. I used CS5 for that.
  7. You might want to edit the deadline to make it sooner since you are getting so many entries so fast.
  8. Try this:

    Let me know if you want anything adding/adjusting. :)
    I can also change the background colour if you like?
  9. wow alot of people competing
  10. When will you judge this? It ended a couple days ago.
  11. Sorry everyone i got banned a few days ago so the contest is over so sorry everyone i lost all of my rupees
  12. I wish people would use their own ideas...
  13. Didnt someone make you one too lol
  14. Exactly.
  15. i bet i would stink a photoshop:oops:
  16. IF i picked the winner can i change it?
  17. If you're banned why do you care anyway?
  18. I am unbanned so foodenator is the winner he got his prize money thanks everyone
    mod plz lock this thread