I need some help on my homework!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by caprisunisfun, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. Hey everyone. As you can see from the title, I'm gonna need a little help from my fellow EMC'ers.

    This break, one of my teachers assigned me a project. I had to interview two people: one person should be a child, no older than 12 years of age, the other should be an adult who is at least 30 years of age. Frankly, I was unable to see the side of my family this break that had little kids, and I'm not covered for the younger than 12 kid.

    So, how can you guys help? If anyone on these forums fits the description of around 8 to 11 years old, or if someone here knows someone that they can get to answer a few questions and put them in here, I'd greatly appreciate it. Younger than 8 years old (6, 7) are okay as well as people who recently turned 12, although these are not the preferred ages.

    (some words in the article have been changed and put in brackets)

    "In Europe, a woman was near death from a special kind of cancer. There was one [type of medicine] that the doctors thought might save her. It was a form of radium that a [pharmacist] in the same town had recently discovered. The [medicine] was expensive to make, but the [pharmacist] was charging ten times what [it] cost him to make. He paid $200 for the radium and charged $2,000 for a small dose of the [medicine]. The sick woman's husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money, but he could only get together about $1,000 which is half of what it cost. He told the [pharmacist] that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later. But the [man] said: 'No, I discovered [it] and I'm going to make money from it.' So Heinz got desperate and broke into the man's store to steal the [medicine] for his wife."

    a) Should Heinz have stolen the medicine?

    b) Why or why not?

    c) Did Heinz have the right to steal the medicine?

    d) Did Heinz violate the pharmacist's rights?

    e) What sentence should Heinz receive?

    (Please respond with the same format as the questions, for example:
    a) Yes/No
    b) Because...
    (Please list the age of the person answering the questions above the questions)
    If you have any questions about the story or the questions, please let me know! Thanks everyone!
  2. Oh, also, if anyone here is over the age of 30, you are welcome to answer this as well!
  3. my age doesn't qualify but idc i didn't spend 5 minutes trying to login for nothing

    a) Should Heinz have stolen the medicine?
    -Hell yeah

    b) Why or why not?
    -Because hes gangster like that

    c) Did Heinz have the right to steal the medicine?
    -Yeah, who cares about 2k spend 1k on food and steal the medicine -squad goals 2015

    d) Did Heinz violate the pharmacist's rights?

    e) What sentence should Heinz receive?

    A sentience prescribing him with unlimited mountain dew and food, because hes a boss -squad goals 2016 FTW

    This is why young kids or old adults have to answer, because teens be like ^^^^
    Salpai, HannahEB, TsuriNeko and 3 others like this.
  4. Submitting via PM :)
    VictorianFleur likes this.
  5. I'm not under the age of twelve, nor am I above the age of thirty, but I hope you won't mind me leaving my opinion here.

    Age Range: 18-21

    a. I believe that he shouldn't have stolen the medicine from an outside perspective, but when people are driven into a corner with nowhere else to go, they tend to take the last resort.. especially when confronted with death.

    b. Laws are in place for a reason. If everyone broke a law because they had a legitimate reason, many things would go wrong. There are too many people who are unfortunate in this world, but it still doesn't condone thievery.

    c. In my opinion, if someone has the 'right' to something, it means it is an action that is either condoned by the state or country. I believe that he was in the wrong in this situation.

    d. Yes, no matter how unfair you think something is, as long as it follows the law, you're going to have to deal. As we've seen recently, Martin Shkreli bought the rights to Deraprim—a life-saving HIV treatment—and raised the price by over 5000%, but regardless, it was something he was legally entitled to do.

    e. Thievery of $500 - $25,000 is regarded as second degree theft, a Class C felony in United States law. Since I don't know where in Europe this is, I will go with what I know.. anywhere from ninety days to five years in jail.

    I actually really enjoyed this and I can't wait to see other people's responses.
    VictorianChola likes this.
  6. I'm going to follow suit here and make my own response even though I am older than twelve.
    a) Should Heinz have stolen the medicine?
    If I were him I probably would have.
    b) Why or why not?
    Well his wife is dying. (Again if I were him) I would have compared the consequences of both actions. Would I rather sit and watch my wife die of terminal illness or go serve a bit of jail time and/or receive a fine but have my wife live? I would go with the second option. The situation was slightly more complicated than that but that doesn't change my answer.
    c) Did Heinz have the right to steal the medicine?
    He did not have the LEGAL right, but he did have the MORAL right as far as my concious is concerned. That would not make me feel the least bit guilty.
    d) Did Heinz violate the pharmacist's rights?
    He most certainly did. The pharmacist had the legal right to that medicine and owned what Heinz stole. However, I do not fully support some of the laws in that area. (This problem could have been avoided in the first place if there was better structure in the government anyways)
    e) What sentence should Heinz receive?
    If I was the judge and this man was proven guilty I'd have to give him some sort of sentence. I certainly don't condone a Les Misérables scenario, but he should receive minimal time behind bars and a fine to cover the damages to the pharmacist's place.
    VictorianChola likes this.
  7. Thanks everyone for the responses! :)
  8. Age range 18-21:

    a) Should Heinz have stolen the medicine?

    b) Why or why not?
    It wasn't his too take. Just because his wife needs it, doesn't justify theft.

    c) Did Heinz have the right to steal the medicine?

    d) Did Heinz violate the pharmacist's rights?
    Yes. The EU says that people have the right of ownership on their possessions.

    e) What sentence should Heinz receive?
    Community service

    Also, this whole thing is kinda poorly planned. European countries do have different laws from each other. We're not just 1 country or anything. Also, the $ wouldn't be used for this sort of deal.
    VictorianChola likes this.